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Auto Insurance: Cell Phones and Safe Driving

Car insurance has long begun since 1900s. Nowadays, almost every car is insured, especially that some states mandate this type of insurance. Car insurance, also known as automobile insurance, is intended to cover bodily injuries and damages incurred by the insured to himself or to the other people due to a car accident. Auto insurance is vital for car owners because it will protect them from liabilities to whatever damages should there be an accident.

However, do people just have to wait for the accident to come? No, they should not. In fact, even with the car insurance, they should save it. A way to save the auto insurance is through safe driving. But then, today, many accidents are due to cell phones. Why? Due to the rise in technology, many of them can't keep themselves away from their cell phones and the more high tech smart phones even while driving.

Nevertheless, this should not be the reason. Despite the rise in technology, which is in fact a good point for humans, people should have self-discipline while driving. And this technology should not be cause of car mishaps. Using cell phones, whether it is for texting, talking, or hands-free conversation, is dangerous while driving. Apart from their age, drivers who are using their cell phones are 17 percent slower on speeding-up after braking and 18 percent slower in braking. Cell phones are also found to be the most common cause of distraction. Fortunately, it is less probable to cause near-crash or crash than any other types of distraction.

No matter how long or short is the trip that a person does using his car, it is important to be always careful while driving. Even though a person knows that he is a safe driver and owns a nice dependable car, he'll never know when accidents will happen. To prevent accidents due to cell phones and other things, and to save the auto insurance money, the following which will be discussed are tips on safe driving.

The first tip is to practice cell phone safety. People should not use cell phones while driving. If a text message or call needs to be attended to immediately, it is better to stop at an intersection or park the car in a safe place first before texting or calling. It is also helpful if a person knows the features of his cell phone. That way, he can speed dial and redial while still keeping his attention on the road.

The next tip is to avoid driving while distracted. These days, many people are trying to multi-task things. This can be a good point if only they are not driving. It is not proper to do different things while driving. According to statistics, 28 percent of the car crashes, which is a pretty high proportion, are due to distractions while driving.

The third tip is to always maintain the car in good condition. Having a regular schedule for maintenance check of the engine, battery, and tires will ensure that the car is still reliable and in good state.

The fourth tip is to protect the car against theft. Many security systems like alarms, steering wheel locks, and electronic tracking devices are available for an economical price. These will help in keeping the car safe as well as the driver.

Last but absolutely not the least is to know and follow the rules and signs on the road. Following traffic signs is no less than the best way to avoid accidents. Also, be courteous on the road at all times.

The tips aforementioned are just a few of the tips in safe driving. There are lots of ways to drive safely and avoid accidents to save the money from auto insurance. Just remember self-discipline is the key to safe driving.

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