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Connecticut Car Insurance (CT)

Connecticut Car Insurance You want to save time and money now? Make a comparison of car insurance companies to and you'll get a better solution for you from car insurance companies. Get your insurance policy in 5 minutes.

The owner or operator of a vehicle must have minimum liability coverage:
- $20,000 per person for Bodily Injury;
- $40,000 per accident for Bodily Injury;
- $10,000 per accident for Property Damage;

Insurance required:
- Bodily injury liability;
- Property damage liability;
- Uninsured motorist;
- Underinsured motorist;

Proof of insurance required:
- At registration (YES)
- At time of accident (YES)
- At all times in vehicle (YES)

(I.I.I.) recommends you carry $100,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $300,000 per accident.

Connecticut Car Insurance Requirements, Laws and Coverage

As stated in Connecticut law, all drivers wanting to have full privilege to operate their vehicles on public highway must have the corresponding car insurance available. If in any case the driver fails to oblige to this law, the driver will be subjected to penalty charges and restricted licensing and registration rights.

Sounds intimidating? Not really but you have to have a sense of responsibility when it comes to owning vehicles. As a driver or car owner you must at all cost oblige to what your state tells you to when it comes to car insurance. You wouldn’t want yours impounded or your license revoked for any reasons, right?

So what are the requirements you need to accomplish for your car insurance and registration?

The first thing you need to do is shop around for a car insurance of your choice. It doesn’t matter if what you have is the minimum insurance quote in the market your car needs to be insured. The minimum bodily injury liability for car insurance is $20,000 and a maximum of $40,000 for every injured individual per accident. For property damage liability the minimum is $10,000. This coverage is also interpreted as 20/40/10 insurance coverage which is the basic or the minimum for car insurance in Connecticut. Once you already have the necessary insurance you need, you must have your car registered at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Wethersfield, Connecticut. The DMV is the sole agency responsible for vehicle registration. All cases are handled here regarding car ownership whether your car is brand new of sold to you by the first owner. It is mandatory to have your car registered and failure to do so will result to suspension of licensing and registration and loss of privileges for renewal of license in the future. The required paper you need to present to the DMV is a certificate that your vehicle(s) are insured, declaration of valid or permanent insurance card, the vehicle you will register and IDs that are needed to be checked by the DMV. Always obtain a receipt of the transactions you made in the DMV, this way you are sure that you have a personal record of your registration.

Other concerns like stolen vehicle, sold vehicles and suspension are all addressed to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Enter Your Zip Code to Find Insurance Quotes in Connecticut:

Connecticut Department of Insurance

  • 153 Market St.
  • Hartford, CT 06103
  • Phone: (860) 297-3800
  • Fax: (860) 566-7410

Connecticut Department of Transportation

  • 2800 Berlin Turnpike
  • Newington, CT 06131
  • Phone: (860) 594-2000
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