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Illinois Car Insurance (IL)

Illinois Car Insurance If you are looking for auto insurance in Illinois, you should make sure that you shop around first before signing up with anything. There are many auto insurance companies in this state and if you are looking to save some money but still get a sensible coverage, your best bet will be gathering information from our online resource. You should get quotes from companies that offer auto insurance in Illinois in order to gauge just how much you will be paying for the next few years. These insurance quotes are given for free and all you have to do is fill out an online form so that in a matter of minutes, you will get a total approximation of the premiums you have to pay depending on the type of coverage you have chosen.

It is very important to have good auto insurance coverage because there is no telling what sort of accidents you might get involved in. It will be in your best interest to have a safety net in the form of insurances as it will protect your finances in the event that you are held liable for a car accident on the road and you have to pay a certain amount for damages.

The owner or operator of a vehicle must have minimum liability coverage:
- $20,000 per person for Bodily Injury;
- $40,000 per accident for Bodily Injury;
- $15,000 per accident for Property Damage;

Insurance required:
- Bodily injury liability;
- Property damage liability;
- Uninsured motorist;

Proof of insurance required:
- At registration (YES)
- At time of accident (YES)
- At all times in vehicle (YES)

(I.I.I.) recommends you carry $100,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $300,000 per accident.

Illinois Car Insurance Requirements: Car Driving Rules in Illinois

You cannot just go out and drive your car in Illinois without the proper car insurance coverage. There are minimums that you have to comply with in order to avoid being penalized for driving without an insurance coverage. This provision of the Illinois Department of Motor Vehicle serves to provide the general motoring public and pedestrians against unexpected financial burden coming from road accidents or car-related damages and injuries. Penalties are imposed on those who are not able to provide proof of insurance. Aside from a citation and a suspension of your license plate registration, you will be charged a minimum amount of $500 as a fine. You will also be required to pay $100 for the reinstatement of your registration.

The bodily injury minimum coverage is pegged at $20,000 in Illinois. This is amount covers liability for injury or death of one person. The insurance coverage should be able to extend such benefit to two people in an accident or up to a maximum $40,000. Property damage liability minimum cover is set at $15,000. This means that the insurance company will be able to compensate another person up to this amount for repair or replacement of his damaged property. Even rental cars are supposed to have car insurance coverages in Illinois. If you need to use a rental car, you have to ask your rental car company for the necessary procedures and documents to ensure that you will be able to carry proof of insurance on your rental car.

The average premiums you will have to pay for your car insurance coverage in Illinois is about $1,300. This is lower than the national average premiums. Comparatively, these premium rates are lower than average premiums in the state in early 2009. You can find a reliable car insurance company that could give you the best rate. To keep your car insurance premiums low, you might want to consider limiting the family members covered in your car insurance policy. Your driving record and the kind of vehicle that you are having insured would also play a part in the determination of your premium rates. Normally, the safer the vehicle you own, the cheaper your premiums are. You can opt to have coverages at higher liability limits if you can afford it. Since Illinois is follows a tort system, any driver who is found at fault should be held financially liable for all damages. If you are found at-fault in a serious car accident, the amount of money that you will have to come up with for all the damages and injuries you have accidentally caused might add up to huge amounts of money you do not have. With the right insurance coverage, you can be assured of being able to share the financial liability with your insurer.

Enter Your Zip Code to Find Insurance Quotes in Illinois:

Illinois Department of Insurance

  • 320 W. Washington St. Springfield, IL 62767
  • Phone: (217) 782-4515
  • Fax: (217) 782-5020

Illinois Department of Transportation

  • 2300 S. Dirksen Pkwy. Springfield, IL 62764
  • Phone: (217) 782-7820
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