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Georgia Car Insurance (GA)

Georgia Car Insurance Every state in the country has very distinct policies when it comes to insurance laws particularly on the minimum requirements for motorists on the road with their cars. For instance, the laws on auto insurance in Georgia dictate that the coverage of every driver should be able to cover at least $25,000 per person for bodily injuries (personal injuries as caused by a car crash), $50,000 per accident occurrence, and $25,000 per occurrence for property damages.

These requirements should be followed by every driver so much so that he or she will not have to personally pay for the personal injuries, as well as the property damages as a result of a car wreck that has been found to be his/her fault.

It will be in your best interest to comply with such requirements; otherwise, in the event that you are found at fault for a road mishap that has caused physical as well as property damages, you will have to personally pay for the entire amount as will be determined by the state courts. Aside from such burden, you might also be looking at jail time depending on the gravity of your offense and if there are any aggravating circumstances.

The owner or operator of a vehicle must have minimum liability coverage:
- $25,000 per person for Bodily Injury;
- $50,000 per accident for Bodily Injury;
- $25,000 per accident for Property Damage;

Insurance required:
- Bodily injury liability;
- Property damage liability;

Proof of insurance required:
- At registration (YES)
- At time of accident (YES)
- At all times in vehicle (YES)

(I.I.I.) recommends you carry $100,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $300,000 per accident.

Cities in Georgia

Georgia Car Insurance Requirements, Rules and Laws for Resident Drivers

In order for you to drive and enjoy what you can see in the city of Georgia, you must be able to have a license that would allow you to legally drive in the city. Getting a car and a license is not that easy like in any other place, you need to have auto insurance. Having auto insurance is one way of securing the safety of the driver as well as the passenger who will drive along with him. In this way, the government will at least be sure that everyone will practice responsible driving even with less supervision.

The minimum liability insurance coverage required in Georgia is 25000/50000/25000. Twenty five thousand dollars is for the insurance of one bodily injury or a death of one person in an accident. Fifty thousand dollars will cover 2 or more persons’ bodily injury and or the death of two persons in one accident. The remaining twenty five thousand dollars will cover the destruction of property of others in an accident. With this minimum required liability, the city law enforcement strictly implements this rule in order to protect the people.

According to the policy of Georgia, a person or a driver involved in an accident cannot just provide the insurance card as a proof of the car insurance. The law enforcement officer will be able to detect who do not have the auto insurance with the use of the device called Georgia Electronic Insurance Compliance System. This allows the officers of the city to electronically identify vehicles that are registered in Georgia. They will be able to verify the status while you are operating your car, at a traffic stop, when involved in an accident or when you replace or renew your car tag. This is also being done with the help and cooperation of the Insurance companies as mandated by law. They immediately provide feedback to the government on who registers a vehicle. This adds to the lists or records of those who have valid auto insurance.

Failure to comply with this street rule will result to suspension or cancellation of your car registration. This can also result to vehicle impounding especially if the owner gets involved in an accident while uninsured. If your registration is suspended, you are required to pay such damages that would just add up to your expenses. You have to pay the lapse fee of $25 and $60 for reinstatement fee plus the other registration fees and vehicle ad valorem taxes due. For second occurrence within 5 years, your vehicle will be suspended for 90 days and for third occurrence within 5 years, your vehicle will be suspended for 6 months.

It is really a big inconvenience for the driver if he will encounter such circumstances and is supposed to face such consequences of reckless driving. That is why you need to be responsible in order for you to avoid such inconvenience. Always follow traffic rules and regulations. Meet the requirements when driving so that wherever you go, you are assured that you are doing it right according to the law.

Enter Your Zip Code to Find Insurance Quotes in Georgia:

Georgia Department of Insurance

  • Two Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, West Tower, Suite 704
  • Atlanta, Georgia 30334
  • Phone: (404) 656-2070
  • Toll Free: (800) 656-2298
  • Fax: (404) 657-8542

Georgia Department of Transportation

  • 600 West Peachtree NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30308
  • Phone: (404) 631-1990
  • Fax: (404) 631-1844
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