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Indiana Car Insurance (IN)

Indiana Car Insurance There are laws governing auto insurance in Indiana and if you happen to be a resident of this State or are in the process of moving to this area, it will be good to be aware of just what you are required to have as far as the coverage for your car is concerned. There are certain minimum requirements when it comes to the auto insurance coverage that you should get. In the State of Indiana, your auto coverage has to be able to pay for at least $25,000 in personal injuries, $10,000 in property damages, and $50,000 overall payables for each occurrence.

It is very important that you meet these minimum requirements because in the event that you have been found guilty of causing a car accident that has led to the destruction of property as well as personal injuries to one or more people, the courts will compel you to pay for such damages. If you happen not to have sufficient coverage, not only will you be punished for such offense, but you will also have to pay for the damage claims personally, which means you will have to spend a great deal of your own money, setting you back financially.

The owner or operator of a vehicle must have minimum liability coverage:
- $25,000 per person for Bodily Injury;
- $50,000 per accident for Bodily Injury;
- $10,000 per accident for Property Damage;

Insurance required:
- Bodily injury liability;
- Property damage liability;

Proof of insurance required:
- At registration (YES)
- At time of accident (YES)
- At all times in vehicle (NO)

(I.I.I.) recommends you carry $100,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $300,000 per accident.

Minimum Car Insurance Coverage Options and Requirements in Indiana

Having a car or auto insurance in any city and State in the US is a must, for this helps in minimizing accidents caused by irresponsible driving. This also helps in making sure that the driver and the passengers in a car or in a vehicle are safe. This is one of the main objectives in getting auto insurance aside from the fact that it teaches people how to take ownership or accountability of the things that they do especially when driving. This is mandatory and is strictly implemented in any State like Indiana.

In getting car insurance in Indiana, you must know the minimum required insurance so that you will be able to find the best insurance company which can offer good benefits for you and your future passengers. Unlike other States, Indiana law requires a vehicle owner to have three insurance coverage. You need to have the uninsured, underinsured and property damage insurance coverage. The minimum requirement for bodily injury coverage for a single accident victim is $25,000. For two or more victims in a single accident, the uninsured minimum requirement is $50,000. For underinsured motorists, the coverage should be at least $50,000 for a single victim.

It is also wise to get other insurance coverage if you can afford it for it will lessen your liability in cases of accidents. You can also purchase the comprehensive and collision insurance coverage such as additional insurance coverage. This will cover health care cost of the accident victims, which will of course lessen the amount of money that you have to pay in case of hospitalization. Remember that the insurance company will only pay according to the plan that you get. Any amount that needs to be paid as additional expenses will be paid in cash. This will be a burden to you especially if there are two or more victims and if the damage of the accident to other’s property is too big. You have to pay for the remaining charges which will not be covered by the insurance.

To avoid high financial risk, try to get a policy that will not just meet the minimum requirements but will at least exceed -- as much as possible -- so that you are somehow assured that you don’t have to pay so much health and property damages in the future. Although the law provides you with the minimum requirement, it does not necessarily mean that you will just stick to it and do what is being asked. Remember that the minimum requirement is just based on the estimated lowest damage that you can get during an accident. There is no guarantee that you will not pay for something else once involved in an accident. To be sure, add protection for yourself and save yourself the financial trouble in the future. Make use of the online quotations provided by the insurance companies and look for the best one who can provide you with the best and trusted support. The rates are affordable if you will consider many insurance options provided by several insurance companies.

Enter Your Zip Code to Find Insurance Quotes in Indiana:

Indiana Department of Insurance

  • 311 West Washington St.
  • Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN, 46204
  • Phone: (317) 232-2187

Indiana Department of Transportation

  • 100 N. Senate Ave.
  • Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • Phone: (317) 232-5533
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